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call(Object...) - Method in interface revxrsal.commands.core.reflect.MethodCaller.BoundMethodCaller
Calls the method of this caller
call(Object, Object...) - Method in interface revxrsal.commands.core.reflect.MethodCaller
Calls the method of this caller
canExecute(CommandActor) - Method in class revxrsal.commands.bukkit.BukkitCommandPermission
Returns whether the sender has permission to use this command or not.
canExecute(CommandActor) - Method in class revxrsal.commands.bungee.BungeeCommandPermission
Returns whether the sender has permission to use this command or not.
canExecute(CommandActor) - Method in interface revxrsal.commands.command.CommandPermission
Returns whether the sender has permission to use this command or not.
canExecute(CommandActor) - Method in class revxrsal.commands.jda.JDAPermission
canExecute(CommandActor) - Method in class revxrsal.commands.sponge.SpongeCommandPermission
Returns whether the sender has permission to use this command or not.
canExecute(CommandActor) - Method in class revxrsal.commands.velocity.VelocityCommandPermission
Returns whether the sender has permission to use this command or not.
CaseSensitive - Annotation Interface in revxrsal.commands.annotation
Marks a parameter of enum type that the value is case-sensitive.
categories - Variable in class revxrsal.commands.core.BaseCommandHandler
checkArgument(boolean, String) - Static method in class revxrsal.commands.util.Preconditions
checkInGuild(ExecutableCommand) - Method in class revxrsal.commands.jda.core.BaseActorJDA
checkInGuild(ExecutableCommand) - Method in interface revxrsal.commands.jda.JDAActor
Returns this actor if it is in a guild, otherwise throws a GuildOnlyCommandException.
checkNotInGuild(ExecutableCommand) - Method in class revxrsal.commands.jda.core.BaseActorJDA
checkNotInGuild(ExecutableCommand) - Method in interface revxrsal.commands.jda.JDAActor
Returns this actor if it is not in a guild, otherwise throws a PrivateMessageOnlyCommandException.
checkPermission(CommandActor) - Method in interface revxrsal.commands.command.trait.PermissionHolder
Checks if the given command actor has this permission, otherwise throws a NoPermissionException
CHINESE - Static variable in class revxrsal.commands.locales.Locales
ClassMap<V> - Class in revxrsal.commands.util
ClassMap() - Constructor for class revxrsal.commands.util.ClassMap
clear() - Method in class revxrsal.commands.core.MutableCommandPath
CLIHandler - Class in revxrsal.commands.cli.core
CLIHandler(InputStream, PrintStream) - Constructor for class revxrsal.commands.cli.core.CLIHandler
CLIHandler(InputStream, PrintStream, PrintStream) - Constructor for class revxrsal.commands.cli.core.CLIHandler
close() - Method in class revxrsal.commands.cli.core.CLIHandler
close() - Method in class revxrsal.commands.cli.core.CommandLineActor
coerceAtLeast(int, int) - Static method in class revxrsal.commands.util.Preconditions
coerceAtMost(int, int) - Static method in class revxrsal.commands.util.Preconditions
coerceIn(int, int, int) - Static method in class revxrsal.commands.util.Preconditions
Collections - Class in revxrsal.commands.util
COLOR - Enum constant in enum class revxrsal.commands.bukkit.brigadier.MinecraftArgumentType
A chat color.
colorize(String) - Static method in class revxrsal.commands.util.Strings
COLUMN_POS - Enum constant in enum class revxrsal.commands.bukkit.brigadier.MinecraftArgumentType
A column location, represented as 3 numbers (which must be integers).
command() - Method in interface revxrsal.commands.autocomplete.CompletionContext
Returns the command being auto-completed.
command() - Method in interface revxrsal.commands.process.ParameterResolver.ParameterResolverContext
Returns the command being executed
Command - Annotation Interface in revxrsal.commands.annotation
The main entrypoint to a command, which specifies the parent of any command.
CommandActor - Interface in revxrsal.commands.command
Represents a command sender, responsible for performing a command-related action.
CommandAnnotationHolder - Interface in revxrsal.commands.command.trait
Represents a command component that contains annotations, such as a parameter.
CommandCategory - Interface in revxrsal.commands.command
Represents a command category.
CommandCondition - Interface in revxrsal.commands.process
Represents a condition that must be met in order for the command invocation to continue.
CommandErrorException - Exception in revxrsal.commands.exception
Represents a command error, for example when an invalid value is returned, a condition is violated, or an illegal value is inputted, and validated through a parameter validator.
CommandErrorException(String, Object...) - Constructor for exception revxrsal.commands.exception.CommandErrorException
Constructs a new CommandErrorException with an inferred actor
CommandExceptionAdapter - Class in revxrsal.commands.exception
An implementation of CommandExceptionHandler that inlines all exceptions into individual, overridable methods.
CommandExceptionAdapter() - Constructor for class revxrsal.commands.exception.CommandExceptionAdapter
CommandExceptionAdapter.Ignore - Annotation Interface in revxrsal.commands.exception
An annotation to automatically ignore any method that may otherwise be a handler method.
CommandExceptionHandler - Interface in revxrsal.commands.exception
A handler for all exceptions that may be thrown during the command invocation.
commandHandler() - Method in interface revxrsal.commands.autocomplete.CompletionContext
Returns the owning CommandHandler of this resolver.
commandHandler() - Method in interface revxrsal.commands.process.ParameterResolver.ParameterResolverContext
Returns the owning CommandHandler of this resolver.
CommandHandler - Interface in revxrsal.commands
The main handler for registering commands, resolvers, interceptors, handlers, tab completions and other stuff.
CommandHandlerVisitor - Interface in revxrsal.commands
Represents a visitor for a CommandHandler.
CommandHelp<T> - Interface in
Represents an iterable of the entries generated by the CommandHelpWriter.
CommandHelpWriter<T> - Interface in
A writer for generating entries for help commands.
commandInvocation(CommandActor, CommandInvocationException) - Method in class revxrsal.commands.exception.CommandExceptionAdapter
commandInvocation(CommandActor, CommandInvocationException) - Method in class revxrsal.commands.exception.DefaultExceptionHandler
CommandInvocationException - Exception in revxrsal.commands.exception
Thrown when an exception is thrown by invoking the command's method.
CommandInvocationException() - Constructor for exception revxrsal.commands.exception.CommandInvocationException
CommandLineActor - Class in revxrsal.commands.cli.core
CommandLineActor(CLIHandler) - Constructor for class revxrsal.commands.cli.core.CommandLineActor
CommandParameter - Interface in revxrsal.commands.command
Represents a parameter in a command method.
CommandPath - Class in revxrsal.commands.core
Represents the full, qualified, case-insensitive path of a command.
CommandPermission - Interface in revxrsal.commands.command
Represents a permission that is required in order to execute a command.
CommandPermission - Annotation Interface in revxrsal.commands.bukkit.annotation
Adds a command permission for the given command
CommandPermission - Annotation Interface in revxrsal.commands.bungee.annotation
Adds a command permission for the given command
CommandPermission - Annotation Interface in revxrsal.commands.sponge.annotation
Adds a command permission for the given command
CommandPermission - Annotation Interface in revxrsal.commands.velocity.annotation
Adds a command permission for the given command
CommodoreBukkitBrigadier - Class in revxrsal.commands.bukkit.brigadier
CommodoreBukkitBrigadier(BukkitCommandHandler) - Constructor for class revxrsal.commands.bukkit.brigadier.CommodoreBukkitBrigadier
CommodoreProvider - Class in revxrsal.commands.bukkit.brigadier
Factory for obtaining instances of Commodore.
compareTo(CommandPath) - Method in class revxrsal.commands.core.CommandPath
complete(CommandActor, String) - Method in interface revxrsal.commands.autocomplete.AutoCompleter
Generates a list of suggestions for the given actor and buffer
complete(CommandActor, ArgumentStack) - Method in interface revxrsal.commands.autocomplete.AutoCompleter
Generates a list of suggestions for the given actor and argument list
CompletionContext - Interface in revxrsal.commands.autocomplete
Represents the context where the completion occurs.
COMPONENT - Enum constant in enum class revxrsal.commands.bukkit.brigadier.MinecraftArgumentType
A JSON Chat component.
ComponentResponseHandler - Class in revxrsal.commands.bukkit.adventure
Adds support for returning ComponentLike from methods to respond directly to actors.
ComponentResponseHandler(Function<CommandSender, Audience>) - Constructor for class revxrsal.commands.bukkit.adventure.ComponentResponseHandler
compose(SuggestionProvider) - Method in interface revxrsal.commands.autocomplete.SuggestionProvider
Composes the two SuggestionProviders into one provider that returns the completions from both.
ConsoleActor - Interface in revxrsal.commands.cli
Represents the CommandActor of a command-line application
ConsoleCommandHandler - Interface in revxrsal.commands.cli
A CommandHandler adapted for use in command-line applications
consumesAllString() - Method in interface revxrsal.commands.command.CommandParameter
Whether should this parameter consume all arguments that come after it.
contains(Object) - Method in class revxrsal.commands.core.MutableCommandPath
containsKey(String) - Method in interface revxrsal.commands.locales.LocaleReader
Returns whether this reader contains a mapping for the given key.
ContextResolver<T> - Interface in revxrsal.commands.process
A resolver for resolving values that are, by default, resolvable through the command invocation context, and do not need any data from the arguments to find the value.
ContextResolver.ContextResolverContext - Interface in revxrsal.commands.process
Represents the resolving context of ContextResolver.
ContextResolverFactory - Interface in revxrsal.commands.process
Creates a ContextResolver for specific types of parameters.
cooldown(CommandActor, CooldownException) - Method in class revxrsal.commands.exception.CommandExceptionAdapter
cooldown(CommandActor, CooldownException) - Method in class revxrsal.commands.exception.DefaultExceptionHandler
Cooldown - Annotation Interface in revxrsal.commands.annotation
Adds a cooldown for the command.
CooldownException - Exception in revxrsal.commands.exception
Thrown when the CommandActor has to wait before executing a command again.
CooldownException(long) - Constructor for exception revxrsal.commands.exception.CooldownException
Creates a new CooldownException with the given timestamp in milliseconds
CooldownException(TimeUnit, long) - Constructor for exception revxrsal.commands.exception.CooldownException
Creates a new CooldownException with the given timestamp in any unit
copy(String...) - Static method in interface revxrsal.commands.command.ArgumentStack
Returns a new ArgumentStack with the specified arguments, without doing any modification to the input.
copy(Collection<String>) - Static method in interface revxrsal.commands.command.ArgumentStack
Returns a new ArgumentStack with the specified arguments, without doing any modification to the input.
create() - Static method in interface revxrsal.commands.cli.ConsoleCommandHandler
Creates a ConsoleCommandHandler that takes input and sends output to the System's default streams.
create() - Static method in interface revxrsal.commands.locales.Translator
Creates a new Translator
create(ProxyServer) - Static method in interface revxrsal.commands.velocity.VelocityCommandHandler
This constructor provides no plugin instance. Therefore, command namespaces (namespace:command) will not work. Use VelocityCommandHandler.create(Object, ProxyServer)
create(InputStream) - Static method in interface revxrsal.commands.cli.ConsoleCommandHandler
Creates a ConsoleCommandHandler that takes input from the given input stream and sends output to the System's default output streams.
create(InputStream, PrintStream) - Static method in interface revxrsal.commands.cli.ConsoleCommandHandler
Creates a ConsoleCommandHandler that takes input from the given input stream and sends all output to the given output stream
create(InputStream, PrintStream, PrintStream) - Static method in interface revxrsal.commands.cli.ConsoleCommandHandler
Creates a ConsoleCommandHandler that takes input from the given input stream and sends each input to the specified stream
create(Class<T>) - Static method in class revxrsal.commands.annotation.dynamic.Annotations
Creates a new annotation with no values.
create(Class<T>, Object...) - Static method in class revxrsal.commands.annotation.dynamic.Annotations
Creates a new annotation with the given map values.
create(Class<T>, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class revxrsal.commands.annotation.dynamic.Annotations
Creates a new annotation with the given map values.
create(Object) - Static method in interface revxrsal.commands.sponge.SpongeCommandHandler
Creates a new SpongeCommandHandler for the specified plugin
create(JDA) - Static method in interface revxrsal.commands.jda.JDACommandHandler
Creates a new JDACommandHandler for the given JDA instance.
create(JDA, String) - Static method in interface revxrsal.commands.jda.JDACommandHandler
Creates a new JDACommandHandler for the given JDA instance, and listens to the given prefix.
create(Plugin) - Static method in interface revxrsal.commands.bungee.BungeeCommandHandler
Creates a new CommandHandler for the specified plugin
create(Plugin) - Static method in interface revxrsal.commands.bukkit.BukkitCommandHandler
Creates a new BukkitCommandHandler for the specified plugin
create(CommandParameter) - Method in enum class revxrsal.commands.bukkit.core.EntitySelectorResolver
create(CommandParameter) - Method in interface revxrsal.commands.process.ContextResolverFactory
Creates a context resolver for the specified type, or null if this type is not supported by this factory.
create(CommandParameter) - Method in interface revxrsal.commands.process.ValueResolverFactory
Creates a value resolver for the specified type, or null if this type is not supported by this factory.
create(Object...) - Method in enum class revxrsal.commands.bukkit.brigadier.MinecraftArgumentType
Creates an instance of this argument type
create(Object, ProxyServer) - Static method in interface revxrsal.commands.velocity.VelocityCommandHandler
Creates a new VelocityCommandHandler for the given proxy.
createFor(Method) - Method in interface revxrsal.commands.core.reflect.MethodCallerFactory
Creates a new MethodCaller for the specified method.
createIfPresent(Object...) - Method in enum class revxrsal.commands.bukkit.brigadier.MinecraftArgumentType
Creates an instance of this argument type, wrapped in an optional.
createSuggestionProvider(CommandParameter) - Method in interface revxrsal.commands.autocomplete.SuggestionProviderFactory
Creates a SuggestionProvider for the given parameter.
createSuggestionProvider(CommandParameter) - Method in enum class revxrsal.commands.bukkit.core.EntitySelectorResolver.SelectorSuggestionFactory
CZECH - Static variable in class revxrsal.commands.locales.Locales
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