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empty() - Static method in interface revxrsal.commands.command.ArgumentStack
Returns a new, empty ArgumentStack.
empty() - Static method in class revxrsal.commands.core.MutableCommandPath
empty() - Static method in class revxrsal.commands.util.StackTraceSanitizer
Returns the empty sanitizer
EMPTY - Static variable in interface revxrsal.commands.autocomplete.SuggestionProvider
A SuggestionProvider that always returns an empty list.
enableAdventure() - Method in interface revxrsal.commands.bukkit.BukkitCommandHandler
Instantiates a BukkitAudiences internally and allows accessing APIs such as BukkitCommandActor.audience()
enableAdventure() - Method in class revxrsal.commands.bukkit.core.BukkitHandler
enableAdventure(BukkitAudiences) - Method in interface revxrsal.commands.bukkit.BukkitCommandHandler
Uses the given BukkitAudiences for creating audiences for BukkitCommandActors.
enableAdventure(BukkitAudiences) - Method in class revxrsal.commands.bukkit.core.BukkitHandler
ENCHANTMENT - Enum constant in enum class revxrsal.commands.bukkit.brigadier.MinecraftArgumentType
Represents a item enchantment.
ENGLISH - Static variable in class revxrsal.commands.locales.Locales
ensureSetup() - Static method in enum class revxrsal.commands.bukkit.brigadier.MinecraftArgumentType
ENTITY - Enum constant in enum class revxrsal.commands.bukkit.brigadier.MinecraftArgumentType
A selector, player name, or UUID.
ENTITY_ANCHOR - Enum constant in enum class revxrsal.commands.bukkit.brigadier.MinecraftArgumentType
The entity anchor related to the facing argument in the teleport command, is feet or eyes.
ENTITY_SUMMON - Enum constant in enum class revxrsal.commands.bukkit.brigadier.MinecraftArgumentType
Represents an entity summon.
EntitySelector<E extends org.bukkit.entity.Entity> - Interface in revxrsal.commands.bukkit
A parameter that allows entity selectors, such as '@a', '@p', '@s', '@r', '@e[name=Foo]' or player names individually.
EntitySelectorResolver - Enum Class in revxrsal.commands.bukkit.core
EntitySelectorResolver.SelectorSuggestionFactory - Enum Class in revxrsal.commands.bukkit.core
EnumNotFoundException - Exception in revxrsal.commands.exception
Thrown when an invalid value is specified for an Enum parameter.
EnumNotFoundException(CommandParameter, String) - Constructor for exception revxrsal.commands.exception.EnumNotFoundException
equals(Object) - Method in class revxrsal.commands.core.CommandPath
error(String) - Method in class revxrsal.commands.bukkit.core.BukkitActor
error(String) - Method in class revxrsal.commands.bungee.core.BungeeActor
error(String) - Method in class revxrsal.commands.cli.core.CommandLineActor
error(String) - Method in interface revxrsal.commands.command.CommandActor
Replies to the sender with the specified message, and marks it as an error depending on the platform.
error(String) - Method in class revxrsal.commands.jda.core.BaseActorJDA
error(String) - Method in class revxrsal.commands.sponge.core.SpongeActor
error(String) - Method in class revxrsal.commands.velocity.core.VelocityActor
errorLocalized(String, Object...) - Method in interface revxrsal.commands.command.CommandActor
Replies with the given message
eval(CommandActor, ArgumentStack) - Method in class revxrsal.commands.core.BaseCommandDispatcher
ExecutableCommand - Interface in revxrsal.commands.command
Represents a command which can be executed with specific arguments, flags or switches.
executables - Variable in class revxrsal.commands.core.BaseCommandHandler
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