All Classes and Interfaces

An interface that allows creating annotations that will get replaced by others.
A utility for constructing annotations dynamically.
Exception thrown when an error occurs while parsing arguments.
Represents a parser that receives strings and converts them into collection-like ArgumentStack that is consumed by resolvers.
Represents a mutable stack of strings represented as command arguments.
A resolver that creates dedicated ArgumentTypes for parameters.
Adds support for using Audience as a sender in command methods
Adds tab completion for the command.
Represents the handler for registering and providing auto-completion suggestions.
A utility class for parsing Lamp's components into Brigadier's.
A utility class for parsing Lamp's components into Brigadier's.
Represents the brigadier hook for Bukkit
Represents a Bukkit CommandActor that wraps CommandSender
Represents Bukkit's command handler implementation
A Bukkit-adapted wrapper for CommandPermission
Represents a Bungee CommandActor that wraps CommandSender
Represents Bungee's command handler implementation
Marks a parameter of enum type that the value is case-sensitive.
The main entrypoint to a command, which specifies the parent of any command.
Represents a command sender, responsible for performing a command-related action.
Represents a command component that contains annotations, such as a parameter.
Represents a command category.
Represents a condition that must be met in order for the command invocation to continue.
Represents a command error, for example when an invalid value is returned, a condition is violated, or an illegal value is inputted, and validated through a parameter validator.
An implementation of CommandExceptionHandler that inlines all exceptions into individual, overridable methods.
An annotation to automatically ignore any method that may otherwise be a handler method.
A handler for all exceptions that may be thrown during the command invocation.
The main handler for registering commands, resolvers, interceptors, handlers, tab completions and other stuff.
Represents a visitor for a CommandHandler.
Represents an iterable of the entries generated by the CommandHelpWriter.
A writer for generating entries for help commands.
Thrown when an exception is thrown by invoking the command's method.
Represents a parameter in a command method.
Represents the full, qualified, case-insensitive path of a command.
Adds a command permission for the given command
Adds a command permission for the given command
Represents a permission that is required in order to execute a command.
Adds a command permission for the given command
Adds a command permission for the given command
Factory for obtaining instances of Commodore.
Represents the context where the completion occurs.
Adds support for returning ComponentLike from methods to respond directly to actors.
Represents the CommandActor of a command-line application
A CommandHandler adapted for use in command-line applications
A resolver for resolving values that are, by default, resolvable through the command invocation context, and do not need any data from the arguments to find the value.
Represents the resolving context of ContextResolver.
Creates a ContextResolver for specific types of parameters.
Adds a cooldown for the command.
Thrown when the CommandActor has to wait before executing a command again.
Adds a default value for a parameter when it is not supplied.
Default implementation of CommandExceptionHandler, which sends basic messages describing the exception.
An annotation for fields and parameters used to inject dependencies into command classes.
An annotation to give the ExecutableCommand a description.
Marks an annotation as distributable on methods.
EntitySelector<E extends org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
A parameter that allows entity selectors, such as '@a', '@p', '@s', '@r', '@e[name=Foo]' or player names individually.
Thrown when an invalid value is specified for an Enum parameter.
Represents a command which can be executed with specific arguments, flags or switches.
An annotation to mark a parameter as a flag.
Thrown when a guild-only command is used in a private channel.
Thrown when an invalid value is inputted for a boolean parameter
Thrown when an invalid root command is inputted.
Thrown when an invalid page is supplied in CommandHelp.paginate(int, int).
Thrown when an invalid value is supplied for a number-like parameter.
Thrown when an invalid value for a Player or a OfflinePlayer parameter is inputted in the command
Thrown when an invalid value for a ProxiedPlayer parameter is inputted in the command
Thrown when an invalid value for a Player parameter is inputted in the command
Thrown when an invalid value for a Player parameter is inputted in the command
Thrown when an invalid subcommand is inputted.
Thrown when an invalid value is supplied for a URI or a URL parameter.
Thrown when an invalid value is supplied for a UUID parameter.
Thrown when an unacceptable value for a certain parameter is inputted, for example, an invalid number for a number parameter, or an invalid UUID for a UUID parameter.
Thrown when an invalid value for a World parameter is inputted in the command
Thrown when an invalid value for a World parameter is inputted in the command
Represents a JDA CommandActor that executes a command, whether in a private message or a guild.
Represents JDA's command handler implementation.
Represents a convenient way to hook into Brigadier and respect minor differences in different implementations
A locale reader is a source in which messages for a specific locale are fetched.
An enum-like class for packing all the available locales in Lamp.
Thrown when a malformed EntitySelector is inputted for a command.
A high-level wrapper, responsible for invoking methods reflectively.
Represents a MethodCaller that is attached to an instance
Factory for creating MethodCallers for methods.
An enumeration for containing Minecraft's built-in ArgumentTypes
Thrown when a parameter is missing (not specified) inside a command
Thrown when a Player selector contains more than 1 player entities (e.g.
An annotation used to override the names of command parameters.
Thrown when a Player selector contains non-player entities (e.g.
Thrown when a CommandActor lacks the required permission to execute the given command or category.
Thrown when no subcommand is specified, as in, when the command input ends to a category and not an executable command.
Marks a parameter that comes at the very beginning of a command method that it should not be evaluated as a sender, and should be treated as if it were a standard command parameter,
Thrown when a numerical parameter that is annotated with Range gets a value outside its allowed range.
Marks a parameter as optional and does not need to be explicitly specified by the sender.
Represents a command that has no parent known at compile-time.
Represents an orphan command that has finally found its parent path.
Represents the entrypoint to creation of OrphanCommands.
Represents a resolver for a CommandParameter.
Represents the resolving context of a CommandParameter.
A validator for a specific parameter type.
Represents a command component (category, parameter, etc.) that may hold its own permission.
Represents a convenient way to register custom CommandPermission implementations.
A parameter that allows player selectors such as '@a', '@p', '@s', '@r' or player names individually.
A parameter that allows player selectors such as '@a', '@p', '@s', '@r' or player names individually.
A utility class for dealing with wrapping and unwrapping of primitive types
Thrown when a private-message only command is executed in a guild.
Parser for converting a quoted string into a list of arguments.
An annotation that marks a numerical parameter as required to be in a specific range
A handler for post-handling command responses (results returned from the command methods)
Marks a command as a "secret" command.
An interface designed for exceptions that wish to handle themselves, without having to be explicitly handled by an exception adapter.
Represents an exception that is purely used to send messages directly to the sender.
Thrown when a console-only command is executed by a non-console
Thrown when a console-only command is executed by a non-console
Thrown when a console-only command is executed by a non-console
Thrown when a console-only command is executed by a non-console
Thrown when a player-only command is executed by a non-player
Thrown when a player-only command is executed by a non-player
Thrown when a player-only command is executed by a non-player
Thrown when a player-only command is executed by a non-player
Represents a special resolver for parameters that are always first in command methods.
Used to directly send-and-return a message to the command actor.
Marker annotation to mark that a parameter should NOT be concatenated with the rest of the command arguments.
Represents a Sponge CommandActor that wraps a CommandSource
Represents Sponge's command handler implementation
A utility for stripping stacktraces from local paths to classes.
General utilities for string operations
Marks a method as a subcommand that has a parent.
A provider for tab completions.
Creates a SuggestionProvider for the given type of parameter.
Marks a (strictly) boolean parameter as a "switch", whose value will be set by "flags", such as "-silent", which will represent a boolean parameter annotated with @Switch("silent").
Marks an exception class as throwable from inside the command.
Thrown when extra arguments are inputted for a command.
Represents a translator.
An annotation to give the ExecutableCommand a usage.
A resolver for resolving values that, by default, require data from the arguments to resolve their value.
Represents the resolving context of ValueResolver.
Creates a ValueResolver for specific types of parameters.
Represents a Velocity CommandActor that wraps a CommandSource
Represents Velocity's command handler implementation