Interface SenderResolver

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface SenderResolver
Represents a special resolver for parameters that are always first in command methods. These parameters can be treated as referring to the command actor.

Registering a custom sender resolver allows using certain types as senders. The custom types must be tested inside isCustomType(Class), and it is recommended to use CustomType.class.isAssignableFrom(type) to make sure subclasses are respected.

Register with CommandHandler.registerSenderResolver(SenderResolver).

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    @NotNull Object
    getSender(@NotNull Class<?> customSenderType, @NotNull CommandActor actor, @NotNull ExecutableCommand command)
    Returns the custom sender value from the given context
    Tests whether is the specified type a custom sender type or not
  • Method Details

    • isCustomType

      boolean isCustomType(Class<?> type)
      Tests whether is the specified type a custom sender type or not
      type - Type to test
      True if it is a custom type, false if otherwise.
    • getSender

      @NotNull @NotNull Object getSender(@NotNull @NotNull Class<?> customSenderType, @NotNull @NotNull CommandActor actor, @NotNull @NotNull ExecutableCommand command)
      Returns the custom sender value from the given context
      customSenderType - The type of the custom sender. This matches the command parameter type.
      actor - The command actor
      command - The command being executed
      The custom sender value. This must not be null.