Package revxrsal.commands.annotation

package revxrsal.commands.annotation
  • Annotation Interfaces
    Adds tab completion for the command.
    Marks a parameter of enum type that the value is case-sensitive.
    The main entrypoint to a command, which specifies the parent of any command.
    Adds a cooldown for the command.
    Adds a default value for a parameter when it is not supplied.
    An annotation for fields and parameters used to inject dependencies into command classes.
    An annotation to give the ExecutableCommand a description.
    Marks an annotation as distributable on methods.
    An annotation to mark a parameter as a flag.
    An annotation used to override the names of command parameters.
    Marks a parameter that comes at the very beginning of a command method that it should not be evaluated as a sender, and should be treated as if it were a standard command parameter,
    Marks a parameter as optional and does not need to be explicitly specified by the sender.
    An annotation that marks a numerical parameter as required to be in a specific range
    Marks a command as a "secret" command.
    Marker annotation to mark that a parameter should NOT be concatenated with the rest of the command arguments.
    Marks a method as a subcommand that has a parent.
    Marks a (strictly) boolean parameter as a "switch", whose value will be set by "flags", such as "-silent", which will represent a boolean parameter annotated with @Switch("silent").
    An annotation to give the ExecutableCommand a usage.